"If you want to change the world, Go home and love your family"- Mother Teresa

— Marriage preparation course (MPC)
Marriage preparation course is conducted by Ministry of Family Apostolate of Latin Archdiocese of Trivandrum twice a month at Jubilee Memorial Animation Center, Vellayambalam.
— Rc Matrimony
A unique martimonial portal RC Matrimonial exclusively for Latin Catholics in Kerala to find ideal life patner. This initiative of Ministry of Family Apostolate is a very cost effective way to search for a life partner.
— Family counselling
Ministry of Family Apostolate of Latin Archdiocese of Trivandrum provides family counselling to all families who are in need to support to lead and happy and fruitful marriage life.
— Counselling courses
Counsellig courses are conducted under the initiative of Ministry of Family Apostolate. All who are interested to participate can register in advance at the Ministry office.
— Karunamayan
The integral development of families where in no one is left alone. The ministry of Family Apostolate of Trivandrum Latin Archdiocese focuses the marginalized, disabled and up-lifting them by giving care and acceptance.
— Prolife Programme
Prolife movement is a ministry within the Family Apostolate to promote and protect human life with dignity. There are various programmes , seminars and discussions conducted to promote this cause.
RC Martrimonial
Matrimonial Portal for Catholics.
Kerala Regional Latin Catholic Council (KRLCC)